
Sunday, November 30, 2014

What A Great Idea

So I needed to whip up about 30 stockings to give away on Christmas eve at my church. The plan is to put crayons and a bit of paper to color in it and be happy. So my friend Google helped me find a great idea from Here... 
Unfortunately OOPI doesn't seem to be posting much to their blog, but this idea made it all worth while!
I'm thinking this is a brilliant idea! Look at that cute drawstring stocking!!
Here's mine. So I serged off the tops of the stockings, and then here's the life changing part...thanks to OOPI's idea!!
 See you fold over the corner on the top of the back  side of the stocking, just a little bit in a triangle way.
 Then just serge the seam all the way around, leaving the top open in a little V shape.

 See when you're done it's like this. The side seam is complete and you have a little notch V shape at the top.

 Now fold over the top of the stocking to form a casing. And look at the place where you made the little triangle V shape!!
 See it makes a completed casing! No raw edges are hanging out, you can tuck in the serged thread ends and it looks so nice when you sew the casing down,
 See how that looks? Now you just run your ribbon through the casing and you;re done! None of that silly leave an opening stuff to make a good looking casing. This idea is awesome!

 That is a casing to be proud of! Look at that! The little bit you fold over makes it so fast and easy to form the casing opening!
 I used red ribbon-thanks DD!
 And I only took pictures of the stocking before I threaded the ribbon through, but it was bunny fast to get through those casings!
SO I whipped up these 30 stockings pretty darn fast!  Now on to more things!

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