
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Re Store Store

I stopped off at the Iowa Valley Habitat for Humnaity Re Store Store yesterday.  They sell all kinds of donated stuff that's related to houses. Kind of like Goodwill for houses only.
 They have glass light globes and light fixtures...
 And lots of tiles of all kinds. Stuff is supposed to be in good condition and basically about 15 years old or less.
And they also have some furniture and plumbing fixtures galore! Darn it I forgot to take a picture of the Pink sink and toilet set. And they also have tools and doors and windows too.

But if you go next door to the restore Barn...WOW! All the stuff there is at least 50 years old.
 So much gorgeous wood work and trim.

 And a ton of doors-all those weird sizes that are always in old houses!
 SO  many really pretty wood trims and rails.
 They also have some hardware too.
 But mostly wood.
It was very cool to see all the old wood it really reminded me of the old house I grew up in. They had those light switch plate covers for the round push button light switches. All that old wood will take you back for sure.

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